Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ø  Vertical plane which passes from front to rear dividing the body into right and left section is saggital plane.

Ø  Ventral means anterior

Ø  Jackknife position is used in anorectal surgery.

Ø   Pleural form of diverticulum is diverticula.

Ø   Barium sulfate contrast is used in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract during small     bowel series.

Ø   Mallampati IV classification indicates difficult or impossible intubation.

Ø   In ileoanal anastomosis we come across S-pouch, J-pouch, and W-pouch.

Ø   Gallbladder is located below liver.

Ø   McBurney point tenderness indicates appendicitis.

Ø   Cytology return as ASC-US positive refers to Pap smear.

Ø  Mastectomy is the treatment for DCIS.

Ø   Ectopic means out of place.

Ø   In TURP procedure, we come across words like Iglesias resectoscope and timberlake.

Ø  Gleason score is used in assessing prostate cancer.

Ø  Pia matter is the innermost layer of the cranial meninges.

Ø  Positive Tinel sign is the indication for positive Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Ø   Cortical sulci extend to the calvaria.

Ø   Inferior vena cava is the vessel, which returns blood from the liver to the heart.

Ø   Red, white, and blue are the colors related to Raynaud phenomenon.

Ø   The first heart sound occurs due to closure of mitral and tricuspid valves.

Ø   Renal vein returns blood from the kidney.

Ø   The person should take an antibiotic before a dental surgery to prevent endocarditis.

Ø  CK-MB is the test ordered when a person is brought to ER with chest pain and MI is suspected.

Ø   Purkinje fibers are found in the myocardium of the ventricles.

Ø  Rapid regular contraction of atria or ventricles is termed as flutter.

Ø  Metric unit for current is ampere.

Ø  Route of admission of nitroglycerin is sublingual.

Ø  Judkins catheter is used in angiography.

Ø  Order of blood flow is capillaries, venules, veins, right heart, lungs, left heart, aorta, arteries, and arterioles.

Ø  Greater saphenous vein is used in angiography.

Ø  Electrical conduction system of heart is sinoatrial (SA) node.

Ø  Embolization therapy is used to treat arteriovenous malformation (AVM).

Ø  MUGA scan is used to determine ventricular function of the heart.

Ø  Nuclear stress test is ordered to diagnose coronary artery disease (CAD).

Ø  Elevated troponin level indicates myocardial infarction (MI).

Ø  Tip is felt at the level of SVC, doctor talks about Port-a-Cath.

Ø  Patent foramen ovale means atrial septal defect.

Ø  Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium through vena cava.

Ø  Symptoms of shortness of breath (SOB) and edema suggest congestive heart failure (CHF).

Ø  Blockage of blood vessels in legs causes peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

Ø  In surgery, SCD is used for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis.

Ø  End-to-side anastomosis is used in CABG.

Ø  V/Q scan is used to evaluate blood and air in lungs.

Ø  Insertion of tube to drain out pleural effusion is called thoracostomy.

Ø  Chest tube insertion is the treatment for pneumothorax.

Ø  Difficulty breathing means dyspnea.

Ø  Positive Coombs test indicates hemolytic anemia.

Ø  Absence of blood factor VIII causes hemophilia A.

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