Saturday, January 10, 2015


Besides medical transcription, psychiatry is one of the most interesting systems.

List of Common Medical Terms –Depression

o   Dysthymia

o   Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, (SSRI's)

o   Bipolar, manic-depressive

o   Mania

o   Lithium

o   Biofeedback

o   Meditation

o   Hypnosis

o   Cognitive

o   Hypochondriasis

o   Anxiety

o   Phobia

o   Agoraphobia

o   Anorexia nervosa

o   Bulimia nervosa

o   Psychophysiological

o   Neurosis

o   Psychosis

o   Schizophrenia

o   Delusions

o   Hallucinations

o   Affect

o   Extrapyramidal

o   Neuroleptic

o   Dementia

o   Alzheimer's

o   Panic attack

o   Obsessive compulsive disorder

o   Post traumatic stress disorder

o   Psychiatrist

o   Psychologist

Mood Disorders: Research has shown that the function of specific neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin may be abnormal in the following mood disorders; anxiety, depression.

Depression: Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a consistent "sad state". The person feels very low the majority of the time. A patient with a "clinical depression" may present the following symptoms: hopelessness, anxiety, nervousness, loss of appetite, or eating too much, difficulty in concentration and focus, irritability, difficulty with sleep, (insomnia, or hypersomnia), cognitive pessimism or negative attitude, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, sadness, fatigue, lack of energy, loss of interest in daily everyday activities and decreased pleasure in life

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: SSRI's are a group of antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin activity, and may help depression.

Behavior and Cognitive therapies: A treatment plan for depression may include increasing pleasant activities throughout the day and changing negative thinking to a positive motivational attitude.

Dysthymia disorder: Dysthymia is a chronic feeling of sadness and depression that may last longer than a clinical depression, but the symptoms may not be as pronounced as a severe depression.

Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is characterized by symptoms of both depression and mania, in an alternating cycle. It may also be termed "manic-depressive disorder." Sometimes the patient feels like their emotions are similar to riding a roller-coaster. A medication called lithium, or other mood-stabilizing medications are often prescribed by physicians for bipolar disorder.

Mania: Mania is a feeling of an exaggerated "sense of well-being" and having lots of energy. Symptoms may include: grandiose ideas, decreased need for sleep, (insomnia), thoughts that are racing and talkativeness.

Hypochondriasis: This is a disorder in which the person thinks a small change in a physical, bodily function may cause a major disease. There is usually a preoccupation with a variety of fears.

Anxiety: Anxiety may be characterized by excessive feelings of worry and ongoing fears. The central nervous system may produce psychological and emotional reactions to a perceived danger. The person may experience nervousness, trembling, restlessness, difficulty with concentration, feeling of palpitations, shortness of breath or dizziness. There are different causes and levels of anxiety states.

Phobia: A phobia is a constant fear of a certain object or situation. A person may have a phobia about snakes, thunderstorms, school, heights or flying.

Agoraphobia: An example of agoraphobia is a fear of going out into public places, away from the safety of home, especially when the person is alone. The person is afraid to be in a situation where they may not be able to leave if they begin to experience "panic-like" symptoms. Behavioral therapies, with exposure treatments and systemic desensitization may be incorporated into a treatment plan.

Panic disorder: A panic disorder is when a person experiences frequent, repeated panic symptoms. The symptoms may include: intense feelings of fear, dizziness, shakiness, trembling, sweating, feelings of palpitations, shortness of breath and an ongoing fear of future panic attacks.

Obsessive Compulsive disorder: Obsessions may be repeated, unwanted, intrusive, thoughts, ideas or images that are occurring in the consciousness. Compulsions are repeated behaviors that people perform to help relieve their anxiety. An example of an obsessive-compulsive disorder is a person who is preoccupied with the constant fear of germs being everywhere, and has the constant need to wash their hands.

Anorexia nervosa: Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by extreme thinness and loss of weight. The person does not maintain adequate weight for their height and age.

Bulimia nervosa: A disorder characterized by an uncontrollable ingestion of food, (binge), commonly followed by purging, (vomiting), or the misuse of laxatives.

Psychophysiological disorders: Psychophysiological disorders are illnesses that originate from psychological stress factors combined with organic factors.

Possible examples are: asthma, insomnia, chronic headaches, hypertension and gastric problems.

Psychosis: Psychosis is a state in which the person loses some contact with reality.

Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by the following possible symptoms:


Disorganized thinking

Hallucinations, (auditory or visual)

Inappropriate affect-their moods and emotions often do not fit the situation

(Affect is the emotional state or mood)

Socially withdrawn


Research indicates that there may be a brain biochemical abnormality in schizophrenia.

Dementia: Dementia usually presents itself with a group of cognitive symptoms that may come on slowly. Dementia is more common among the elderly and more prevalent in women. An impairment in memory functioning is often a main characteristic of dementia. The disease is usually progressive in nature. Some possible symptoms of dementia are: memory impairment, confusion, impairment in thinking, judgment, learning and intellectual reasoning. Sometimes a person will have a change in their personality. Vascular dementia is caused by a decrease of blood flow to certain areas of the brain, possibly due to ischemia or a stroke.

Alzheimer's: Alzheimer's is a progressive disease that causes a form of dementia. Some common symptoms are: difficulty with memory, concentrating, confusion, trouble with focusing and communicating language. The patient often has social and occupational impairment. The patient may have trouble completing their everyday living tasks.

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is an M.D. with much extensive medical training in mental disorders.

Psychologist: A psychologist usually has a Ph.D. in psychology. He may do research, teaching and counseling. He may help teach cognitive and behavioral therapies.

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